- After consuming the carbohydrates, wait 15 minutes.
- Recheck your blood sugar level to see if it has risen to a safe level (70 mg/dL or higher).
- Repeat if Necessary:
- If your blood sugar is still low after 15 minutes, consume another 15 grams of fast-acting carbohydrates and repeat the process.
- Follow with a Snack or Meal:
- Once your blood sugar is back to normal, eat a snack or meal with complex carbohydrates and protein to help stabilize it. Examples include:
- Peanut butter and whole grain crackers
- Half a sandwich
- Greek yogurt with fruit
- Nuts and a piece of fruit
- Once your blood sugar is back to normal, eat a snack or meal with complex carbohydrates and protein to help stabilize it. Examples include:
When to Seek Help:
- If you’re unable to raise your blood sugar or if you experience severe symptoms such as confusion, difficulty staying awake, or unconsciousness, you may need emergency assistance.
- If someone around you is experiencing severe hypoglycemia and can’t eat or drink, administer a glucagon injection if available and call emergency services.
Preventing Future Low Blood Sugar Episodes:
- Monitor your blood sugar regularly, especially before meals, physical activity, or when taking insulin or other medications.
- Eat regular meals and snacks, with a balance of protein, fat, and complex carbohydrates.
- If you’re diabetic, discuss with your healthcare provider to adjust your medication or insulin doses if you experience frequent lows.
Let me know if you’d like more information or support managing blood sugar!