How to Grow a Lemon in a Cup to Aromatize Your Home

Growing a lemon tree in a cup is a fun and rewarding way to bring a fresh, citrusy aroma into your home. Not only will it enhance your indoor environment, but it also provides a natural air freshener. Here’s what you’ll need and how to grow your own lemon plant.

Materials Needed:

  1. Lemon Seeds
    • You can use seeds from a fresh organic lemon (avoid seeds from non-organic lemons, as they may not germinate as easily due to treatment).
  2. A Cup or Small Pot
    • Choose a cup with drainage holes at the bottom. A small ceramic or plastic pot works too.
  3. Potting Soil
    • Use well-draining, nutrient-rich potting soil. A mix with perlite or sand works best to prevent waterlogging.
  4. Plastic Wrap or Clear Plastic Bag
    • To create a mini greenhouse effect and retain moisture for the seeds during germination.
  5. Water Spray Bottle
    • For lightly misting the soil and keeping it moist without overwatering.
  6. Pebbles or Small Stones (Optional)
    • These can be used at the bottom of the cup to aid in drainage.
  7. A Sunny Spot
    • Lemon plants need a lot of sunlight, ideally 8-12 hours of sunlight a day. A windowsill that receives plenty of light is perfect.

Step-by-Step Instructions:

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