Yeast-Free Baked Potato Recipe in 5 Minutes That Doesn’t Absorb Oil

Step 1: Prepare the Potato

  1. Wash and dry the potato: Scrub the potato under running water to remove any dirt. Pat it dry with a paper towel.
  2. Poke holes: Using a fork, poke several holes all over the potato. This allows steam to escape during cooking.

Step 2: Microwave the Potato

  1. Microwave: Place the potato on a microwave-safe plate. If using olive oil, rub a small amount over the skin and sprinkle with salt. This step is optional but adds flavor and helps with crispiness.
  2. Cover: Cover the potato with a paper towel or a microwave-safe lid to retain moisture.
  3. Cook: Microwave the potato on high for 4-5 minutes. If your microwave has a “baked potato” setting, you can use that. Cooking times may vary depending on the size of the potato and the power of your microwave.

Step 3: Check and Finish Cooking

  1. Check for doneness: Carefully remove the potato from the microwave (it will be hot). Use a fork or knife to check if it’s tender all the way through. If it’s not fully cooked, return it to the microwave and cook in 1-minute increments until done.
  2. Rest: Let the potato sit for a minute or two to finish cooking through with residual heat.

Step 4: Serve

  1. Split and season: Carefully cut the potato in half lengthwise. Fluff the inside with a fork.
  2. Top as desired: Add your favorite toppings, such as butter, sour cream, grated cheese, salt, black pepper, and chopped chives or green onions.

Tips for Perfect Microwave Baked Potatoes

  1. Choose the right potato: Russet potatoes are ideal for baking due to their starchy texture, which becomes fluffy when cooked.
  2. Even cooking: If microwaving multiple potatoes, ensure they are of similar size and place them evenly spaced on the plate.
  3. Avoid overcooking: Check the potato frequently to prevent it from becoming dry or overcooked.


This yeast-free baked potato recipe using a microwave is quick, easy, and perfect for when you’re short on time. Enjoy a tender, fluffy potato in just a few minutes with your favorite toppings for a delicious and satisfying meal or side dish!

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