Tender fluffy biscuits

Preparing the Dough

  1. Preheat the Oven: Preheat your oven to 425°F (220°C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper or a silicone baking mat.
  2. Mix the Dry Ingredients: In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the all-purpose flour, baking powder, and salt until well combined.
  3. Cut in the Butter: Add the cold, cubed butter to the dry ingredients. Using a pastry cutter or fork, cut the butter into the flour mixture until it resembles coarse crumbs with pea-sized pieces of butter. This ensures a flaky texture.
  4. Add the Buttermilk: Make a well in the center of the dry ingredients and pour in the cold buttermilk (and honey, if using). Stir gently with a fork or spatula until the dough just comes together. Do not overmix; the dough should be shaggy and slightly sticky.

Shaping the Biscuits

  1. Turn Out the Dough: Lightly flour a clean surface and turn the dough out onto it. Gently pat the dough into a rectangle about 1/2 inch thick.
  2. Fold the Dough: Fold the dough in half and pat it down again. Repeat this folding process 3-4 times. This creates layers, making the biscuits flaky and tender.
  3. Cut Out the Biscuits: Pat the dough out to a 3/4-inch thickness. Using a biscuit cutter or round cookie cutter, cut out the biscuits by pressing straight down without twisting. Twisting the cutter can seal the edges and prevent the biscuits from rising properly.
  4. Re-Roll the Scraps: Gently gather the scraps, pat them together, and cut out more biscuits. Be careful not to overwork the dough.

Baking the Biscuits

  1. Place on Baking Sheet: Place the biscuits on the prepared baking sheet, with the sides touching if you prefer soft sides or spaced apart for crispier edges.
  2. Bake the Biscuits: Bake in the preheated oven for 12-15 minutes, or until the biscuits are golden brown on top and cooked through.

Serving the Biscuits

  1. Cool Slightly: Allow the biscuits to cool on the baking sheet for a few minutes before serving.
  2. Serve: Serve the tender, fluffy biscuits warm with butter, honey, jam, or your favorite topping. Enjoy them with breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Tips for Perfect Tender Fluffy Biscuits

  • Cold Ingredients: Ensure the butter and buttermilk are cold. Cold butter creates steam pockets as it melts, resulting in flaky layers.
  • Don’t Overmix: Mix the dough just until it comes together. Overmixing can lead to tough biscuits.
  • Folding Technique: Folding the dough creates layers, contributing to the flakiness.
  • Proper Cutting: Use a sharp cutter and avoid twisting to ensure the biscuits rise properly.

Variations and Additions

Biscuits are versatile and can be customized to suit your tastes. Here are some ideas to inspire you:

Cheddar and Chive Biscuits:

  • Additions: Fold in 1/2 cup of shredded cheddar cheese and 2 tablespoons of chopped fresh chives to the dry ingredients before adding the buttermilk.

Garlic and Herb Biscuits:

  • Additions: Add 1 teaspoon of garlic powder and 1 tablespoon of mixed dried herbs (such as rosemary, thyme, and parsley) to the dry ingredients.

Sweet Biscuits:

  • Additions: Increase the honey to 2 tablespoons and fold in 1/2 cup of dried fruit, such as raisins or cranberries.

Whole Wheat Biscuits:

  • Substitution: Replace half of the all-purpose flour with whole wheat flour for a nuttier flavor and added nutrition.

Nutritional Benefits of Biscuits

While biscuits are a treat, they can also offer some nutritional benefits:

Whole Wheat Flour:

  • Fiber: Whole wheat flour adds dietary fiber, aiding in digestion and promoting satiety.


  • Calcium: Buttermilk is rich in calcium, supporting bone health.
  • Probiotics: Contains probiotics that can aid in digestion.


  • Cheese: Adds protein and calcium.
  • Herbs: Adds vitamins and antioxidants.


Creating tender, fluffy biscuits is a rewarding culinary experience that results in a dish both visually appealing and incredibly flavorful. By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be able to prepare biscuits that are perfect for any occasion. Whether you’re making them for a family meal, a special brunch, or simply to enjoy a delicious and comforting treat, these biscuits are sure to impress.

Remember, the key to successful biscuits is to use cold ingredients and to handle the dough gently. Don’t be afraid to experiment with different flavors and additions to make the recipe your own. With practice and a bit of creativity, you’ll master the art of making tender, fluffy biscuits and enjoy the satisfaction of serving a delicious and memorable dish.

Happy baking! If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out. We hope this guide inspires you to try new recipes and enjoy the process of cooking. Bon appétit!

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