Best Sweet and Sour Sauce


Sweet and sour sauce is a quintessential Asian condiment known for its delightful combination of sweetness from sugar and sourness from vinegar. This versatile sauce enhances everything from crispy fried appetizers to hearty meat dishes. The recipe below offers a simple yet richly flavored sweet and sour sauce that easily surpasses store-bought versions, perfect for a variety of dishes.


  • Pineapple Juice: 1/2 cup (for a fruity sweetness)
  • Water: 1/2 cup
  • White Vinegar: 1/3 cup (for a tangy kick)
  • Brown Sugar: 1/2 cup (for depth and richness)
  • Ketchup: 1/4 cup (adds color and a mild tomato flavor)
  • Soy Sauce: 1 tablespoon (for umami and depth)
  • Cornstarch: 2 tablespoons (to thicken the sauce)
  • Garlic Powder: 1 teaspoon (for a subtle garlic hint)
  • Ginger Powder: 1/2 teaspoon (for a touch of warmth)


  • Small saucepan
  • Whisk
  • Measuring cups and spoons


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