My Best Tomato Sandwich and 7 Ways to Preserve Tomatoes

  1. Canning:
    • Whole or Diced: Blanch tomatoes, peel, and can them whole or diced. Process in a water bath canner.
    • Sauces and Salsas: Cook down to make sauces or salsas, then can using a water bath.
  2. Freezing:
    • Whole: Freeze whole tomatoes on baking sheets, then transfer to freezer bags.
    • Pureed: Blanch, peel, and puree tomatoes before freezing in portions.
  3. Drying/Dehydrating:
    • Slice tomatoes and dehydrate in a food dehydrator or a low oven until completely dried. Store in airtight containers.
  4. Oven-Drying:
    • Halve tomatoes and place cut-side up on a baking sheet. Slow roast at a low temperature until dried but still pliable. Store in oil or airtight containers.
  5. Making Tomato Paste:
    • Cook down pureed tomatoes until thick and dark. Freeze in small portions.
  6. Pickling:
    • Use a vinegar solution to pickle whole cherry tomatoes or slices. Add spices and herbs for flavor.
  7. Fermenting:
    • Ferment whole cherry tomatoes in a brine solution with spices for a tangy, probiotic-rich preserve.

Visual Aids:

  • Tomato Sandwich: High-quality images of each step, especially the assembly, showcasing the vibrant colors and textures.
  • Preservation Techniques: Step-by-step photos or videos for each preservation method, highlighting key processes like blanching, canning, and dehydrating.


  • Choosing Tomatoes: For sandwiches, use the freshest, ripest tomatoes. For preservation, each method suits different types of tomatoes, from juicy beefsteaks to firm romas.
  • Flavor Enhancements: Experiment with herbs and spices in your sandwich and preservation methods to enhance the natural tomato flavor.
  • Storage: Label preserved tomatoes with the date and method of preservation. Store in a cool, dark place or freeze as appropriate.

Creating the perfect tomato sandwich is a testament to the beauty of fresh, simple ingredients. By preserving tomatoes, you extend the joy of summer’s bounty, ensuring you have delicious tomatoes for sauces, soups, and more throughout the year. Whether enjoying a fresh, juicy tomato sandwich or opening a jar of preserved tomatoes in the winter, you’re celebrating the versatile and beloved tomato in all its forms.

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