Creating a delicious shrimp dish that’s both simple and sophisticated can elevate any meal to a special occasion. Here’s a step-by-step guide to making garlic lemon butter shrimp, a recipe that’s quick, flavorful, and sure to impress. This guide focuses on clear, easy-to-follow steps, complemented by visual descriptions to enhance your cooking experience.

Garlic Lemon Butter Shrimp Recipe

Ingredients Visual Guide:

  1. Shrimp: 1 pound (450g) of large shrimp, peeled and deveined. (Visual: Fresh, raw shrimp displayed on ice, showcasing their size and quality.)
  2. Garlic: 4 cloves, minced. (Visual: Cloves of garlic on a cutting board, some whole and some being minced.)
  3. Butter: 4 tablespoons, unsalted. (Visual: Sticks of butter, with one cut into tablespoons.)
  4. Lemon: Juice of 1 lemon. (Visual: A lemon cut in half, with one half being squeezed.)
  5. Parsley: Fresh, chopped for garnish. (Visual: A bunch of fresh parsley on a cutting board, with a knife.)
  6. Salt and Pepper: To taste. (Visual: Small bowls of sea salt and cracked black pepper.)
  7. Red Pepper Flakes: Optional, for a spicy kick. (Visual: A small dish of red pepper flakes.)

Preparation Steps:

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