The 5-Minute Breakfast That Saved My Morning

Step 1: Toast the Bread

  1. Pop the Bread in the Toaster: While you’re preparing the other ingredients, put your slice of bread in the toaster and let it crisp up to your liking.

Step 2: Mash the Avocado

  1. Mash the Avocado: While the bread is toasting, scoop out the avocado into a small bowl. Mash it with a fork until it’s smooth, but still slightly chunky. Add a pinch of salt and pepper to taste. You can also drizzle in a little lemon juice for added freshness and to keep the avocado from browning.

Step 3: Fry the Egg

  1. Cook the Egg: Heat the olive oil or butter in a small skillet over medium heat. Crack the egg into the skillet and cook for about 2-3 minutes, depending on how you like your yolk. If you want a runny yolk, cook until the whites are set but the yolk is still jiggly. For a firmer yolk, cook for an extra minute or two.

Step 4: Assemble the Toast

  1. Spread the Avocado: Once your toast is ready, spread the mashed avocado evenly over the toast. Make sure to get every corner covered for maximum flavor.
  2. Top with the Egg: Gently place your fried egg on top of the avocado toast. Sprinkle a little more salt and pepper, or add your favorite toppings like chili flakes or everything bagel seasoning.

Step 5: Enjoy!

  1. Ready to Eat: That’s it! Your breakfast is ready in just 5 minutes. Slice the toast in half if you prefer, grab a napkin, and enjoy your perfect morning fuel.

Why This Breakfast is a Game-Changer

  • Avocados are packed with heart-healthy monounsaturated fats that help keep you full and provide essential vitamins like Vitamin K, Vitamin E, and B vitamins.
  • Eggs provide a great source of high-quality protein and essential nutrients like choline, which supports brain function.
  • Whole-grain toast gives you the fiber to keep your digestive system happy and your energy levels stable throughout the morning.

Customization Ideas

  • Spicy Kick: Add a dash of hot sauce or sprinkle red chili flakes over the top for a bit of heat.
  • Herbaceous Twist: Fresh herbs like cilantro or parsley can add a pop of color and flavor.
  • Veggie Boost: Top with fresh tomatoes, arugula, or sautéed spinach for extra nutrients and crunch.
  • Protein Punch: Add an extra egg or a slice of smoked salmon if you want to increase the protein content.


This 5-minute breakfast saved my mornings by delivering everything I need in terms of taste, nutrition, and speed. It’s filling enough to carry you through until lunch, versatile enough to never get boring, and simple enough to make in a flash. Plus, with all the ways you can customize it, this breakfast is sure to become a staple in your morning routine. Give it a try, and you’ll wonder how you ever survived without it!

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