Old school Spaghetti

  • Basil and Oregano: Fresh basil is preferred for its vibrant color and flavor. Oregano can be used fresh or dried.
  • Garlic: Fresh garlic is essential. It should be minced finely or crushed for a more intense flavor.
  • Salt and Pepper: Quality sea salt and freshly ground black pepper are recommended.

4. Meat

  • Optional: For a non-vegetarian version, consider adding ground beef or pork for richness. Ensure the meat is browned well to develop deep flavors.

5. Olive Oil

  • Quality: A good quality extra virgin olive oil will add a fruity, peppery background note that is quintessential in Italian cooking.

Making the Sauce

The sauce is the heart of old-school spaghetti and requires careful preparation.

1. Sautéing the Garlic and Onions

  • Start by heating olive oil in a large pot. Add finely chopped onions and minced garlic, sautéing until they are translucent and fragrant.

2. Adding the Tomatoes

  • Incorporate the prepared tomatoes into the pot. If using meat, add it after the onions are cooked and brown it before adding the tomatoes.

3. Simmering

  • Bring the sauce to a boil, then reduce the heat to a simmer. Allow the sauce to thicken and flavors to meld, usually about 1-2 hours, stirring occasionally.

4. Finishing Touches

  • Near the end of cooking, add chopped fresh basil and oregano. Adjust seasoning with salt and pepper.

Assembling the Dish

Cook the spaghetti in boiling, salted water until al dente. Drain the pasta and mix it with some of the sauce to let it absorb the flavors. Serve the spaghetti with a generous topping of sauce, a sprinkle of freshly grated Parmesan cheese, and a few basil leaves.

Serving and Presentation

1. Plating

  • Serve the spaghetti on warm plates to keep it hot longer. The presentation can be simple, focusing on the richness of the sauce and the freshness of the herbs.

2. Accompaniments

  • Offer crusty bread, a simple salad with a vinaigrette, and a robust red wine like Chianti to complement the meal.

3. Creating an Ambience

  • To extend the duration of your visitor’s stay, create a warm, inviting atmosphere with soft music, dim lighting, and perhaps candles.


This old-school spaghetti recipe is designed not only to satisfy the culinary aspect but also to create a moment of sharing and warmth that encourages your visitor to stay as long as possible. Each component, from the choice of ingredients to the way the dish is served, plays a crucial role in crafting an experience that is both delicious and deeply comforting.

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