Strawberry Cream Cheese Cobbler

Creating a Strawberry Cream Cheese Cobbler is like painting with the flavors of spring. This recipe combines the juicy sweetness of strawberries with the creamy tang of cream cheese, all nestled under a golden, biscuit-like topping. Follow these steps to create a dessert that’s as visually appealing as it is delicious, perfect for gatherings or a special family treat.

Strawberry Cream Cheese Cobbler Recipe

Ingredients Visual Guide:

  1. Fresh Strawberries – Hull and halve enough strawberries to fill about 2 cups. (Visual: Bright red strawberries, some whole and some halved, on a vibrant green leaf background.)
  2. Cream Cheese – Cut 6 oz of cream cheese into small cubes. (Visual: Cream cheese on a cutting board, with a knife cutting it into cubes.)
  3. Sugar – You’ll need 1 cup for the strawberries and extra for sprinkling on top. (Visual: A bowl of fine, white sugar, with a scoop taking some out.)
  4. All-Purpose Flour – For the cobbler topping, measure out 1 and 1/2 cups. (Visual: A mound of flour on a wooden surface, with a measuring cup scooping some up.)
  5. Baking Powder & Salt – Essential for the cobbler topping to rise. (Visual: Small bowls of baking powder and salt side by side.)
  6. Butter – Melt 1/2 cup (1 stick) of unsalted butter. (Visual: Butter melting in a small pot, with a golden liquid forming.)
  7. Milk – Incorporate 1 cup for a tender cobbler crust. (Visual: A glass of milk, with a splash effect to showcase its freshness.)

Preparation Steps:

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