How to Grow a Lemon in a Cup to Aromatize Your Home

1. Prepare the Lemon Seeds

  • Extract Seeds: Cut open an organic lemon and carefully extract the seeds.
  • Clean Seeds: Rinse the seeds under water to remove any pulp or sticky residue, which can inhibit germination.
  • Peel the Seeds: (Optional but helpful) Some gardeners carefully remove the outer shell of the seed to speed up germination. Use your nails or a small knife to gently peel the seed.

2. Plant the Seeds

  • Fill the Cup with Soil: Add potting soil to your cup or small pot, leaving about 1 inch of space from the top.
  • Plant the Seeds: Plant the seeds about 1/2 inch deep in the soil. You can plant multiple seeds to increase the chances of germination.
  • Lightly Water: Use the spray bottle to lightly mist the soil until it’s moist but not soggy.

3. Create a Mini Greenhouse

  • Cover the Cup: Cover the top of the cup with plastic wrap or a clear plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect, which helps retain moisture and warmth for the seeds to germinate.
  • Make Small Holes: Poke a few small holes in the plastic to allow some airflow.

4. Place in a Sunny Spot

  • Find a Bright Location: Place the cup in a warm, sunny spot, like a windowsill, where it will receive indirect sunlight for most of the day.

5. Care and Maintenance

  • Watering: Keep the soil moist by misting it with water every couple of days. Be careful not to overwater, as lemon seeds can rot if the soil is too wet.
  • Remove the Plastic Wrap: Once the seedlings sprout (usually in 1-3 weeks), remove the plastic wrap to allow the plant to grow in normal conditions.

6. Transplanting (Optional)

  • Replant in a Larger Pot: If your lemon seedling grows big enough and you want it to thrive, you may want to transplant it into a larger pot after a few months.


Growing a lemon tree in a cup is a simple way to enjoy the refreshing scent of citrus in your home. With just a few materials and some sunlight, you can start growing your own lemon plant, which will not only beautify your space but also naturally aromatize the air!

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