Here are 15 top gardening hacks to help you elevate your gardening game, whether you’re a novice or an experienced green thumb:
1. Use Coffee Grounds as Fertilize
- Coffee grounds enrich the soil with nitrogen, potassium, and phosphorus. Sprinkle them around plants to improve soil quality and repel pests like slugs and snails.
2. Eggshell Planters
- Start seeds in cleaned-out eggshells. They’re biodegradable and rich in calcium, which plants love. When ready, plant the whole shell in the soil.
3. DIY Drip Irrigation
- Reuse plastic bottles by poking small holes in the lid, filling the bottle with water, and planting it upside-down in the soil. This ensures slow, consistent watering.
4. Banana Peels for Roses
- Bury banana peels near the base of rose bushes to provide potassium and phosphorus, essential nutrients for vibrant blooms.
5. Cinnamon as a Natural Fungicide
- Sprinkle cinnamon on seedlings to prevent damping-off disease or on soil to deter fungus and gnats.